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From Pet Therapy to Red Noses at Abbotsleigh Care Home

We’ve had a busy social diary at Abbotsleigh Care Home, which we love!

March is National Colon Cancer Awareness month and our staff wore blue and donated £1 each to raise money for Cancer Research.

Ruben our lovely PAT dog came to visit us and gave us lots of cuddles and wet nose kisses!

Esme, together with student Jade who spent a few days with us, made decoupage soaps with our residents by using magazine cut outs. This is always a popular activity and the results are really impressive.

Animalia visited us during the week and brought along Shelby the tortoise, Daisy the ferret, Lilly the huge fluffy rabbit and Dobbie the skinny pig. The friendly animals always bring smiles to everyone’s face and the Animalia staff are always so knowledgable.

Red Nose Day arrived on Friday 15 March, within our busy Nutrition and Hydration Week. Our staff wore red and donated £1 each to donate to Comic Relief.

A female resident holding a decorated soap she has made


