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National Memory Day at Loose Valley Care Home

Residents and staff challenge themselves to a range of memory games

Thursday 24 May marked National Memory Day and to celebrate it at Loose Valley Care Home we played lots of memory games together.

Residents tested their memories with the ‘shopping list game‘, where they had to remember what’s on an ever-growing list of shopping.

They also played ‘Kim’s game‘, which involved placing items on a tray and getting our residents to remember as many of them as they could, whilst we took away and added to them.

Another popular activity was the ‘shell game‘ which used 3 cups and a ball. Our staff hid the ball under 1 cup and then moved the cups about. Our ladies and gents then had to remember (or guess!) which cup held the ball. Great fun and not as easy as it looked!

Our residents also very much enjoyed the childhood favourite ‘card memory game‘, where picture cards were laid face down on a table and two cards were turned over on each turn, and you had to remember where they were to match pairs.

Many of our residents were amazed at how well they did at these memory challenges. What started out with big sighs and ‘oh no’s!’ ended with lots of laughter. And two of our residents even turned it around on us staff to test our memories!

The day was great fun and a brilliant way to give our minds and memories a workout!

