On Friday 20 October, our Learning and Development Manager Marisa Spice had the enormous pleasure of accompanying two of our Nellsar apprentices to the magnificent Rochester Cathedral for their graduation ceremony.
Nellsar Care Homes are proud to be able to support our many apprentices and through our partnership with eTraining Ltd we celebrated at the Kent and Medway Apprentice Graduation Ceremony with 200 other apprentices.
We couldn’t take everyone unfortunately, but on this occasion we celebrated the achievements of Meyer House Care Home Manager Libby, who achieved a Distinction in her Leader in Adult Care qualification and Victoria, Health Care Assistant at Sonya Lodge, who was awarded a Merit for her Adult Care Worker qualification. They were joined at the event by their families.
Nellsar would like to recognise their commitment, resilience, growth and continued development and congratulate them (and all our apprentices) on their latest qualifications.
Thank you to all the sponsors of the event (#appgradkandm) who made the day so special.
We look forward to returning next year!